Golden Vendor: Certain items of this set have been available at the Golden Vendor in the past.

During this PvP event, you can earn bonus rewards, XP, and Alliance Points by battling your fellow players in the Alliance War, Battlegrounds, and Imperial City. Grundwulf is an armor set in the Elder Scrolls Online that can be obtained in Moongrave Fane. A chilled and laid back MMO player who enjoys all kinds of music.

It can increase DPS by around 3% but the DDs need to be setup to make use of the increased Poison and Disease Damage. You must be at an alchemist’s lab in order to create any items. 5 Items: When you deal damage with a Cold Damage ability, you have a 8% chance to summon an ice pillar that deals 70-6020 Cold Damage to all enemies in a 3 meter radius. This set is available in Cyrodiil from the Vlastarus Elite Vendor or as a Rewards for the Worthy random drop.

Have a high acrobatic for Shady Sam because there are many rocks that get in the way. From normal dungeons to vet DLC HM content, this build has proven itself capable of all content in the game. In one Cyrodill location in each faction.